Orders are due now! Don't delay in getting your yearbook. We've had a year full of adventure- capture the memories in your own yearbook. https://ybpay.lifetouch.com/ code is 11590819
We will receive weekly updates of our building progress and post them on the OLAStrong page of this site for all to enjoy! We will be back in our home before we know it!
Please view this beautiful tribute from the Foundation for Catholic Education. Our Lady of Angels was recognized on April 5, 2019 by the Foundation and the Catholic Hall of Fame for our perseverance and tenacity in the wake of our tragic loss in July 2018. We will rise again, Angels!
May 29 is the last day for Hot Lunch Weeks of April 29 AND May 6 are due on Friday April 12 Weeks of May 20 AND May 27 are due Friday May 3 Please take note of Field Trip Days
The OLF Youth Group is hosting our annual Easter Egg Hunt for the kids of our community! When: Sunday April 7th Place: Church Social Hall Time: 12:30 (after the 11:30 mass)