On November 16th, OLA will be participating in the Drive 4 UR school event with Robin Ford in Glenolden! For every person OLA gets to test drive a Ford vehicle – Ford will give us $20.00. Ford is willing to give us a maximum of $8000.00, so we need to get parents and friends to drive for us! You are not obligated to buy anything. Robin Ford is doing this strictly to help us raise money for our school! The only catch is we are limited to one driver per household!
Due to school closure on Wednesday, if you ordered Wednesday Pancake and sausage, slips will be honored on Thursday; Thursday Pizza slips will be honored on Friday; and Friday Chicken nuggets slips will be honored on Monday October 21. There will not be Curly Cheese lasagna on Monday October 21. Tuesday, October 22, we will resume the menu with Popcorn chicken.