Hello parents! Mr. D'Angelo mentioned on BTSN that our 2017-2018 Discipline Code is available for review on the website under 'Resources for Parents' and the '2017-2018 Handbook' option. Please review this and send in a signed form (found at the end) for each student in OLA. The upper grade students must sign where indicated, and our younger grades can have parents simply write their name for them. Please send the signature form only back to school via your student as soon as possible. Any questions regarding the Discipline Code may be directed to Mr. D'Angelo. Thank you!
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Send your scrip order in with payment (cash- exact amount or check- made payable to OLF) with your student on Tuesday in an envelope labeled with student name, room number, and OLF scrip order. Orders will be returned to school on Wednesday (any special order not available will be returned the following week). Order forms can be found under 'Documents' in the Resources for Parents tab. A reminder- OLF scrip credits are collected 4 times per year (September, December, March and June) and can be applied to your Smart Tuition account for either grade school or any Archdiocesan high school.
Home & School invites our OLA families to join us for a welcome back to school ice cream social event on Friday, 9/8! Please fill out the attached flyer and return it to school by Thursday, 9/7. Hope to see you there!