Welcome back to OLA! I’m sure many of you can’t believe that we’re already back in the swing of things.
I will address the topic of uniforms at Back to School Night next Thursday, but I don’t want to wait that long to touch base with you about this topic.
I have informed the faculty (and the students), that students in full and proper uniforms, and their adherence to directives about student appearance, all day, every day, will be a very important issue for me this year.
I imagine that for many of you, a uniform is an important aspect of a Catholic school education. However, the teachers and I can only do so much during the school day when students arrive and they are not properly attired, and/or when we don’t receive your support at home when preparing students for school; we need your full cooperation.
Within the next few days I’ll be sending you our new discipline policy which I’ll discuss at Back to School night. You will note that uniform violations will result in “demerits,” and eventually detention, and/or suspension. No exceptions will be made.
Some important reminders for all:
*ALL students must tuck in their shirts, and keep them tucked in during the day.
*ALL boys must wear a belt.
*High Top (over the ankle) sneakers are not permitted.
*Uniforms should be neat and clean.
Some special considerations for those of you with students in our Middle School:
*Make-up of any kind is never permitted. If your child wears make-up to school, you will have to come pick them up.
*Skirts must be one inch above the knee, and not rolled at the waist. If a young lady habitually wears a skirt that is an inappropriate length she will be excluded from school until she is properly attired. If your daughter needs a new skirt, and you cannot afford one, please let me know, and we’ll work something out!
Modesty and respectful care for the human body are essential aspects of character education, and our sacred responsibilities as educators in the faith.
The home-school partnership is built on mutual trust and seamless support of one another. I thank you, in advance, for your continued collaboration, especially with this very important issue.
As always, do not hesitate to contact me should you have questions, comments, or concerns.